Link list 68: 10 Free Crochet Patterns for Tidy Up Your Home and Stay Organized
10 Free Crochet Patterns for Tidy Up Your Home and Stay Organized.
Well, after a long and busy holiday season, now is the time to get everything organized before anything gets any worse. Keeping your home tidy is not always easy though. We are all guilty of hoarding clutter and forgetting to file away those all-important pieces of paperwork such as bills, and work-related documents, especially if you work from home.
Speaking of which, I am determined that this is going to be the year that I finally take some steps to get my house in order. I have thought about putting my house on the real estate market for some time now and it is no secret that a tidy home is much more appealing to a potential buyer. I would also quite like to invest in a second property.
One of my friends works in the real estate industry and she told me that there are some amazing real estate books out there filled with tips that can make selling your home and investing in properties much easier. She sent me this Roofstock guide on investing books and I cannot wait to work my way through them. Watch this space.
First, though, I need to focus on the tidying! My home office, for example, is in desperate need of some care and attention. I have so many pieces of loose paper dotted around my office and hidden underneath the furniture. To be honest it is about time that I invested in some filing cabinets to keep everything in my office safe. How do you keep your office neat and tidy?
That is not all though! For some reason I have held on to a few pieces of broken furniture that I have acquired over the years. A friend of mine told me that she found hiring a skip came in handy when she needed to dispose of some old furniture so I might have to follow her example. She told me that she found an amazing skip hire comparison website by researching ‘skip hire nottingham‘ online so I might have to see whether I can find a skip that meets my needs too.
Do not get me started on all the dust either! If you are looking for a way to keep your home organized you might also be interested in visiting https://www.bissell.com/blog/how-to-use-a-home-management-binder-to-keep-your-house-in-order.
Anyway, these free crochet patterns will help to keep your home organized and clean.
Check out these 10 Free Crochet Basket Patterns for more storing solutions!
Want more cleaning stuff to crochet? click on 10 free crochet dishcloths and washcloths
Disclosure: This post may contain affiliate links.
All images are used with the permission of the Designers for this link list.
- Quick and Thick Duster Cover – Left in Knots
- Crochet Grocery Bag Holder – Oombawka Design Crochet
- Crochet Basket Pattern – Make & Do Crew
- Forget-Me-Not Pouch – Pattern Paradise
- Stash it! – Moogly
- Bottle Scrubber – Snappy Tots
- Color Block Crochet Basket – Persia Lou
- Crochet Desk Mat – Sewrella
- Bloom Bathroom Organizer – LillaBjörn’s Crochet Word
- Chevron Kitchen Towel – Crochet Dreamz
(affiliate link)
Clutter Keepers Crochet Pattern
from: Annie’s
Stay organized with 3 crocheted baskets! All are made using a worsted-weight #4 cotton yarn holding 3 strands together. Size: #1-4″W X 4″L X 4 1/2″H; #2-6″W x 6″L x 6″H; #3-9″W x 12″L x 3″H.
Gina Embry
Thank you so much for the opportunity to be a member and to also to enjoy all of you crochet patterns.